Emma is a skilled multi-talented performer, in her early years she studied RAD classical ballet along with Seiki-Juku Karate and horseback riding. Her passion for the performing arts started at a young age, from 10 years old she knew that special skills within film and theatre would be her career. Having always had a passion for the theatre, from enjoying the live audience, it will forever be a sense of home. Transitioning from dance school into the circus arts in 2015, Emma learnt to combine her knowledge of dance into juggling, tight wire, clowning and contortion. She spent two years training with the national centre of circus arts based in London learning a wide variety of skills, before moving forward to pursue interactive theatre and film work.
During 2017 Emma flew out to America for three months to train in a summer program: Mountain Kim martial arts school: Taekwondo, gaining more knowledge of combination ‘forms’ performing, before leading into British Action Academy in 2018 for their fight choreography/specialist skilled performer courses.
Her background has enabled her to choreograph many circus pieces, work with an interactive theatre company as a dance captain and create ‘forms’ – for martial arts. She is currently working on her equestrian career combining her passion for the circus and weaponry while on horseback. Her most favoured skill is mounted archery and bareback with her current share horse Romeo.